Sculpture, 2023
little lies and counterweights is a set of counterweights produced with low-density foam, endowed to critique power and authority. Used to establish precise standards of measurement, counterweights belong to the worlds of trade, technics, and global politics. The counterweights here reference rules that are imposed and enforced by institutions and systems. With their distressed and eroded surfaces, her facsimiles mimic ruins, as if to comment on the erosion of hierarchies that once defined the society. The statement of the cylindrical forms lies in their inaccuracy, fakeness, and resistance to the precision and perfection for which the originals stand.
read Jan Avgikos’ review of the piece here:
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New god, phony history and rhetorical questions, 2023, Foam on foam, 8 x 8 x 9 (w/o pedestal), 11 x 11 x 47 (w pedestal)

New god, phony history and rhetorical questions, 2023, Foam on foam, 8 x 8 x 9 (w/o pedestal), 11 x 11 x 47 (w pedestal), detail

2464 Grams, 2023, Foam, 24 x 24 x 10

2464 Grams, 2023, Foam, 24 x 24 x 10, detail

1441 Grams, 2023, Foam, 9 x 9 x 33

1441 Grams, 2023, Foam, 9 x 9 x 33, detail

2620 Grams, 2023, Foam, 16 x 16 x 23